Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I discovered something new today, something I never knew existed. That something is Bakelite! Apparently it was an early form of plastic invented at the beginning of the 1900's. I found a few old bracelets in a box of stuff someone was throwing away, so I went on google and typed in "Bakelite jewelry" you should try it! So many beautiful things came up! I particularly like the ones in this picture!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Aerie Today

I went to Aerie today, and I bought some pretty little things because I believe, it's importent for a girl to feel pretty in her undies even if no one but her gets to see them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cold, Windy, Days, where Confusion Flies

It's a cold wet rainy day, life can be a bit confusing but it's all good when you are trusting in God, he is our rock and our firm foundation! Today has been spent talking to my sweetie, praying a lot, organizing and cleaning my room (trying to find papers), not to mention contacting English schools in 成都 and the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.  But I refuse to be overcome with doubt and frustration, it's easy to forget in difficulties that that really is our decision. And though it may be hard and I may falter I am choosing to trust in my heavenly Father and not worry about things I have no control over. I am excited for the chance to finally start making efforts to go back to China. I'm excited to be going back

to the man I love. And I am excited for a new adventure in a new city. Of course we plan to marry in 哈尔滨 see all our old friends, catch up on good time and visit his family in 海林.  But I know that God has such amazing plans for the future! My mom showed me the below picture today and I couldn't resist adding it and a little song from my Fiance! Enjoy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

My mind is so busy with such a number of things

I've been keeping myself, at least mentally busy. I'm looking at flowers and drinking (to much) coffee. Trying to get in shape and figure out wedding plans. Needing to get rid of stuff and needing to find a job.  Talk to my sweetie every day and trying to listen for the Fathers leading.  Learning Chinese and practicing patience. Life is good, life is crazy, life is busy, life is beautiful, life is sad,  life is unfair, life is amazing, and God is good! So as I ponder and wait for the still small voice, I will drink some more coffee and take a break from my exercising ( yes I realize those last two are semi-counterproductive, however I don't have a solution at this time {except to stop drinking coffee which would be completely unacceptable} if you have any great ideas feel free to share ;)

P.S. I'll try to post more.