Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Smugglers Cave

Today while riding home from church I realized today was a day for an adventure! So when I got home I bundled all up and I aired my bike tires and I took off to a place I wasn't sure of yet.

In the Magicians Nephew by Clive Staples Lewis a small tunnel is mentioned where Polly had stashed "a cash-box containing various treasures, and a story she was writing, and usually a few apples. She had often drunk a quiet bottle of ginger-beer in there: and the old bottles made it look more like a smuggler's cave." So today as I was exploring un-charted territories (well I at least have never charted them) I found a Brandy Bottle, and then a beer bottle and then a wine bottle and a very old light bulb.

After traveling through the kingdom of squoosh I came to a small alcove that seemed to me a perfect place to settle so I did.