Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Iphone Questions

So I was considering getting an Iphone while I'm in China, they are expensive here, but cheaper than in the U.S. However, in China there is no Verizon network, everyone uses sim cards. From my understanding an Iphone has to be unlocked to do this, I could use AT&T in the U.S. but I have a year left on my Verizon contract and I'd really rather not use AT&T. Do any of you know if I can get the Iphone relocked in the states and put on my already existing Verizon plan? Any comments, ideas, advice or links are welcome.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Late Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving was last week and it was fantastic. I missed my family (it's my first time not spending the holidays with them). But all the American and some of our Chinese friends got together and had  blast! We made lots of tasty food and a thanksgiving tree, then we read the story of thanksgiving in English and Chinese and sang songs of thanksgiving.  I'm truley blessed with the friends I have here, and all the wonderful people the Father has sent my way.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not so crazy lately ....

Well! Not much going on today, work earlier, the room is almost cleen. I'm finally working on my pajama pants, I have a basket of paper hearts and a bag of granny squares. I want to get a bright blue metal frame bunk bed and I want to paint my walls yellow. I just realized it's past midnight and I'm not remotly tired yet! Oh well ... This is my Chinese notebook and my sock knitting. I really want a pair of heels and I'm really into this idea of lace up ankle boots. I may have found some that I like, you'll know if I buy them.  At any rate, a friend is comein over at lunchtime tomorrow and we're gonna mess around with my skateboard so maybe I'll take some pictures. Also throwing around the idea of doing yoga excersizes. I understand it's really good for you. Anyone ever tried it? Any comments? 

The world thinks eccentricity in great things is genius, but in small things, only crazy.' ~Edward G. Buwler-Lytton

Monday, November 14, 2011

Long Weekends, Happy Mondays, Sock Pets and Skateboarding

So it was a long but good weekend, I had an unexpected holiday on Saturday. It was lovely, I got to hang out with some of my Chinese University friends. Well yesterday as always was a long Sunday full of long classes. However, this particular Sunday night dragging myself up the 97 steps to our apartment at 7 pm, was not the end. There was a party at school for the teachers and I had to be there. Well it wasn't bad, but the walk home was rather chilly. It hasn't gotten far above freazing the past three days and I have this feeling that it won't be warm again till spring. Ah well, such is life in Harbin. At any rate I got to have lunch with my good friend Punk today and we had a lovely walk in the coooooooold outside afterwords. P.S. I got a scateboard last week and I'm very excited to learn its wonderfull ways.

Yes I was practicing in the house :)

A friend of mine who lives Glasgow makes adorable sock animals and I was feeling rather inspired. Soooooo  I went out to the night market and found some I thought would make some cute pets.  Here are some wonderful little tutorial links. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole, and Under the Brick Wall

 Well dearies I was out on adventure today and found the loverly spot, it's quite perfect a quiet walf, a loverly picnic or a pleasent party, I can't wait till the spring, late spring of course, when things are warming up and turning green. For now it'll do for walking and a quiet place to sit and knitt or write or practice my Chinese, and not be gawked at or scolded for sitting on the ground. It's really an answer to prayer, I was just telling my mom the othe day that I needed a place like this. Well that's all for now lovelies.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Loving Selbu

The free pattern for these can be found here.

And what about these lovelies.
So I haven't posted anything for a while, I keep meaning to but it just keeps not happening. Well here's a little something to hold you over. If your thinking it's not really about your life though, think of it this way, these are the things I enjoy thinking about, they're a real enjoyable part of my life. Anywho I've recently rediscovered Selbu patterns and I really love the look of Norwegan knitting, I think it's absolutely beautiful! Well I'm working on my socks now, but a friend took me to a big yarn market, and I'm looking forward to trying my hand at a Selbu mitten pattern before the winter is over. Here's some beauties and some free patterns I found, hope you enjoy and let me know of any patterns you think are wonderful! So there's a scrap of news and a bit of insight on my crazy brain, I'll write a much better blog post soon.

Love this one!

Find it here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Color it Brightly

Some times life seems dull. Esspecially here in China, the subtle consistencies in the standard life here are almost unbearably predictable. So it's time to switch it up, color your life bright!