Monday, March 14, 2011

"Dance over my agenda and Rain on my Parade"

I wanted to wear a dress today but I walked out the door and I changed my mind! I'm still waiting for word from China about my teaching position, I'm willing to follow the Lords leading, but I pray he's not leading me away just yet

Speaking of the the cold this is the giant fuzzy purple infinity scarf that I made. I've been listening to John Mark McMillian most of the morning, and you'll never believe how clean my room is, so I won't bother telling you. I'll take pictures later (that's what I spent most of last night doing).
 I need to study for psych when I get home but I'd really rather not. I'd much rather finish organizing two problem spots in my room and play my guitar. I need to design a purple or blue bracelet for a little girl in China who I've been writing to and I need to write a letter to my adopt a child from Albania, I keep forgetting.

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